Christian Medford

First of all I am a family man, I have a beautiful wife and four amazing children. I would say that I have hobbies, but life with a big family means that my wife and I are busy with all of our kids activities and are happy to take part in all of them. My three girls are competitive dancers and my son is very active in multiple Flag Football leagues which I enjoy coaching. My wife and I are blessed and busy with our kids. I also have the honor to manage a team of agents that are amazing people and who I consider to be my second family. I enjoy helping them grow as agent and assisting them help people with their health insurance needs.

About my work life and how I get involved with my clients:

Health insurance is a subject that many don’t fully understand. Considering the price we pay for coverage, everyone should be fully aware of what their insurance does (or doesn’t) cover and how their benefits even work. 

There are an overwhelming amount of plans available these days, which can make it difficult to find one on your own…

 As a health insurance advisor, I make it a priority to find the best possible insurance product based on your specific needs and budget. You should fully understand what you’re buying into. That is why I spend as much time as you need to understand your coverage, so you can make a confident, educated decision about your healthcare.

 Although I am able to see every option on the market, I specialize in the private market. Private plans are based on your health—not your income, so if you are not receiving government assistance on your current premiums, these plans are for you. These plans empower me to help you save even more money on premiums and get better benefits—just for being healthy!

If you feel like you are overpaying for your health insurance, not happy with your coverage, or just want to make sure you are in the best spot possible, book an appointment today, to make sure you have the best coverage to protect your health and finances!