Health Insurnace News & Info


Men’s Health Month

Men’s Health Month

In the early 1900s, men and women were expected to live roughly to the same age. Today, women live, on average, five years longer than men.  Many factors contribute to this disparity, but one, in particular, stands out amongst the others – failure to seek medical...

HSA vs. FSA Comparison

HSA vs. FSA Comparison

Talking about healthcare is scary for some people. Between trying to find affordable coverage and deciding between different health-related savings accounts – it is overwhelming trying to make the right decision for you and your loved ones. With more employers...

100 Million People in America Are Saddled With Health Care Debt

100 Million People in America Are Saddled With Health Care Debt

Noam N. LeveyJune 16, 2022 Elizabeth Woodruff drained her retirement account and took on three jobs after she and her husband were sued for nearly $10,000 by the New York hospital where his infected leg was amputated. Ariane Buck, a young father in Arizona who sells...

How You Can Protect Your Eyes from Computer Vision Syndrome 

How You Can Protect Your Eyes from Computer Vision Syndrome 

As the world becomes more digital, an increase in screen usage is unavoidable. Most adults spend an average of 11 hours on their screens every day for both work and leisure purposes. Of these 11 hours, only around 2.8 hours are used for watching TV, and...

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month! Celebrate by educating yourself on the importance of healthy vision, signs of vision problems in children, and ways to prevent eye injuries.  The Importance of Healthy Eyes Even after birth, a baby’s eyes haven’t...

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